2022 Scarecrows on Parade - RECYCLE CENTER
Design & Display a scarecrow to represent your business, organization, or family at the "Recycling Center" for 2 weeks! The judges will be presenting ribbons to top category winners. Family Friendly scarecrows, nothing political or scary.

Time & Location
Oct 01, 2022, 11:00 AM – Oct 30, 2022, 12:00 PM
Recycle Center (N. Chapel & Rt. 44), Louisville, OH 44641
About the Event
Price includes Hay & Wood Stakes (donated by Carter Lumber, Motts Greenhouse & Bulk Food Store. Please drop them off on October 8th at the Louisville RECYCLE CENTER (moved from the Discovery Center) on N. Chapel & Rt. 44 across from Carter Lumber from 11am - 2pm. Pick up is October 30th so that you can display them at your business, organization or home.
Award categories: Business; Community Organization; Individuals/Family, with ribbons for first thru the fourth place. All first-place winners will receive $20 cash and ONE Grand Prize (Best of Show) will receive a $40 gift card.
NOTE: Do not build scarecrows using materials that may deteriorate in bad weather or make them too heavy that they may be hard to fix or display if they fall over.
3 hoursMATERIAL PICKUP - Oct. 1st
Recycle Center
3 hoursScarecrow DROPOFF - Oct. 8th
Recycle Center
Charge for Materials
Includes Wood & Hay
$20.00Sale ended